Monday, 13 December 2010

Cooking with eggs

Boiled, Poached, Fried, Scrambled, you name it they are the most important ingredient to always have at hand. So I am dedicating this page to Eggs and what you can do with them to make a nice healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper.

Breakfast - Perfect Boiled egg with soldiers

2 Eggs and 2 Toast
add cupful of water to a pan
add tsp salt (helps stop the eggs breaking)
                                                                  simmer until cooked, ie  2half mins soft boiled 3mins med

For the Soldiers - butter toast and cut into long strips to dip into your egg.

French Toast

add two or 3 eggs to a bowl and whisk
get a non stick frying pan nice and hot with just a touch of spray oil added
dip a thick slice of bread into the egg mixutre ensuring its coated on both sides
add to the hot pan and fry until golden brown on both sides

Poached Eggs on Toast

Add warm water to a saucepan and add 2 or 3 drops of vinegar (this is very important)
crack two eggs into the pan and simmer gently
you can see when they are cooked as the yolks will be covered in egg white
use a draining spoon to remove and place onto toast. Add black pepper for more taste.

Scrambled eggs in seconds

Add two eggs to a plastic jug
quarter cup of milk or water
whisk with fork
place in micro for 30 secs then take out and stir with fork, put back in microwave for further 30 secs and add to toast for a filling breakfast
(times may vary depending on microwave)

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